From the time he was thirty-five years old, Buddha gave his teaching to everyone who was interested. For the next forty-five years, he travelled bringing people peace,
Tag: The Luminous Life Of Buddha ( မဟာလူသား မြတ်ဗုဒ္ဓ )

မိမိသည် တခြားလူများအား ထိထိရောက်ရောက် တွန်းအားပေးသူတစ်ဦးဖြစ်ပါက ဆိုးသောရဲသားတစ်ဦး ( Bad Cop) အနေဖြင့်လည်းကောင်း၊ ကောင်းသော ရဲသားတစ်ဦး ( Good Cop ) အနေဖြင့်သော်လည်းကောင်

Buddha had been away from his place for a long time now and one day he decided to go to his own place and he told his followers that they would go to

Buddha never forgot the promise he had made to King Bimbisara. So when the time was right, he journeyed to Rajagriha. Buddha and his disciples stayed in a hill called